2 Maccabees 6:18-31. The Lord upholds me – Psalm 3:2-7. Luke 19:1-10.

Salvation comes to the house of Zacchaeus

Jesus defies the expectations of his society, choosing to call one of the most hated people, Zacchaeus by name and to ask to visit his home. By choosing to call upon a tax-collector, Jesus shows that God’s love and attention does not escape anyone, no matter the extent of their wrongdoing or the regard that society has for them. From the outside, and according to the people, Zacchaeus still appears to be a dishonest and greedy man. Yet, there is a longing in him to be otherwise; he climbs a tree just to get a sight of Jesus. This longing is answered by Jesus’ transformative attention, which enables him to look honestly upon his past and take ownership of the harm he has caused. He is no longer defined by his past or by his label but by his profound value in the sight of Jesus.

By Trendrift

The Social Media Turbo

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