1 John 2:18-21. Let heaven and earth exult in joy! – Psalm 95(96):1-2, 11-13. John 1:1-18.
We live in what we’ve been told is a ‘post-truth’ world. Everything is ‘alternative facts’, opinion is equal to experts’ research, black is white, and white is whatever colour you want it to be. Social media algorithms tend to reinforce messages we are comfortable with, and demonise those who disagree with us. It is a situation where people’s truths can change as a result of all sorts of outside influences – friends, family, focus group polling, back-room dealings or different priorities. Thankfully, we know from the Psalm that the Lord will judge peoples with his truth. And God’s truth doesn’t change. After all, ‘In the beginning was the Word: and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.’